TOP 10 Casino Game Names

What games are there in a casino?

There are no limits to the game. In fact, here we show you the top 10 most popular casino game names.

Do you know all available casino games?

If you don’t know them, start with this short guide. We tell you about some types of games that you can find and play in a casino, although there are also free casino games online or mobile, there are also no download casino games and no internet, there are even casino games for Kids and parties, but this time we’ll show you the ones you’ll find in a real casino

Whoever enters a casino may have the problem of where to start or what to play.

Here is a list of the 10 most popular casino game names. Learn, play and have fun to the fullest.

Get to know the 10 most popular casino games

Let’s see what they are and how to play them.


It’s a simple game that goes through some variations, but the principles are similar. It is played in almost all casinos and the more players the better.

It is played with bingo cards in hand and a marker to mark hits.


The game has numbered cards and a roulette wheel in which balls with numbers are arranged.

When drawing the balls, the cards must be marked. The player who manages to mark a row, column or diagonal wins.


Baccarat is a very popular card game in casinos.

In this game, players have three choices of betting: on the player’s side, on the banker’s or dealer’s side, or on a tie.

Description of the game

It is played against the dealer and the aim is to get a score of 9.

Cards 2 through 9 have face value, numbers are worth 0, and aces are worth 1.

If we have two nines, the total is 9 because 8 + 9 = 9. But 18 is zero, so we challenge the dealer with a 10 in hand.

wheel of fortune

The game consists of betting on the options of a wheel. wheel of fortune.

The game is started by placing the bet on the game table, ie on one of the 6 symbols. Then we spin.


The wheel is divided into 56 segments divided by pins.

The wheel turns. When the wheel stops, the pointer stays between two pins. All bets placed on the displayed symbol are winners.

The best casinos are undoubtedly found in the big hotels…


Keno is extremely easy to play and a game of chance similar to the lottery.

Keno was played long ago in China and first appeared in American arcades in the 19th century with the arrival of Chinese immigrants.


From a folder numbered from 1 to 80, the player must select 20 numbers and then bet.

At this point the game begins and the numbers are drawn one by one. The more numbers chosen, the more you win on the card.

Chinese culture is not only characterized by ancient gambling, as you will also know, they are daring cooks, experts in exotic dishes…

Pai Gow Poker

Pai Gow Poker is a variant of Chinese dominoes called Pai Gow.

Again China brings this new but increasingly convincing casino game that has had great success in recent years thanks to its lightness and originality.


It is played with 53 cards, one of which is a joker.

The dealer deals the cards. The aim of the game is to have a better hand than the dealer.

The seven cards dealt must be divided into “high hand” (2 cards) and “low hand” (5 cards).

Another interesting and original Chinese casino game that encourages you to take a flight with China Airlines (but let’s avoid that it’s a Boeing 737 Max) and enjoy this entertainment in the midst of this enigmatic culture…

Roulette is a game with numbers, colors and random chips

There is no thrill more intense than playing for real money in this exciting game.

Placing the bet on the table and waiting for the ball to land on one of the numbers is so exciting that it is a hit for both ladies and gentlemen.


It consists of numbers from 0 to 36.

He spins the ball and waits to stop at one of the number boxes.

The ball lands on a colored number and all bets matching that number win.

This adrenaline is comparable to the feeling of riding a roller coaster (hence the similar name)…

Slot Machines, Slots or Slot a game played by electronic machines

In this list, this casino game cannot miss the electronic slot machines.

Slot machines are games that everyone who enters an online or offline casino will play sooner or later, where you can play to win real money or in some cases bonus or bonus.


The player chooses his slot and decides how many lines he wants to wager.

Bet and spin the reels. If the combinations are the winners, the machine returns the winnings.

There are different slot machines, the idea is always to hit combinations.


Blackjack is a legendary game that appeared in the 18th century under the name 21.

One of the most famous and popular card games in casinos. The object of the game is to hit 21 and play against the dealer.


C Any player gathered around a table must score much higher than the dealer, but not exceed 21.

Among the options offered, you can have two cards in hand, double the bet compared to another player, or even split a pair, each playing against the dealer.


The dice game is played with only two dice. Including 1 to 16 players.

The appeal of craps, of course, is betting money. It’s a fun game that all you need is speed and luck.


In the game of dice, each game consists of two phases:

First: Where the player who rolls the dice and has to score a certain amount in order to pass.

Second: In which, after rolling the dice, you must get the same number of points as set.


Poker is now played all over the world and the general public looks at it with fascination.

It depends heavily on the player’s ability to guess the intentions of his opponents, that is, to assess the risks and, of course, to boast about himself.


In this game 5 cards must be dealt and whoever has the strongest combination wins.

Hands from highest to lowest are: true suit, four of a kind, full, suit, straight, three of a kind, two pair and even. The best hand wins.

Take the opportunity of casino games

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